Tuesday 4 August 2009

Terrier racing - a must for the discerning punter

Sunday saw the annual Epsom Trainers' Open Day, a 'must' for us since we discovered it, er ... last year. Half a dozen of the stables are open to the public, and anyone so inclined can visit them, to pat the racehorses, talk nonsense to them, and even feed them polo mints, that equine favourite (although I saw one of the more jaded old nags spit one out - perhaps, like me, he prefers Extra Strong Mints or After Eights).

We had borrowed some small people for the day, labouring as we were under the illusion that they would find it as fantastic as we did. Not so, alas. One particular 7 year old, who will remain nameless, but may have forever blotted her copybook where I am concerned, failed even to be impressed by the highlight of the day ... the terrier derby.

Four small yappy dogs at a time, chasing a big ball of cotton wool down the last short stretch of the race course at Epsom, some finishing, others running amok, distracted by the howls of competitors and cooings of owners. What's not to like? I'm not saying that I'm particularly easily pleased, or that I lack a certain sophistication, but I thought it was brilliant!

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